Why we do excursions

on a recent "safari" excursion
on a recent "safari" excursion

We love taking our Rhinos to places where they supposedly don't belong.

We've played in elite soccer academies in wealthy parts of the big city.  When we enter the facility its like a "hush" comes over the entire place.  Everyone is looking at us.  We get asked questions like "where do you guys come from?", and "are these boys indigenous mayan indians?"  (not even kidding)

We've taken the boys to a fancy mall, to the movies, and to a high-end amusement park.

Monthly excursions have become a very cool part of our routine.  They're not all over-the-top...  sometimes we just do a movie night in the gym (projector on the wall), and sometimes we go to the park and fly kites.

Why do we do them?

First: exposure. Seeing new places, things, ways of life.  It gives the boys a perspective that no one in their village has ever had.  It helps them to be more well-rounded.  It gives them confidence.  Simple things like being in a car, eating in a restaurant, using a public restroom, riding an escalator, ordering a meal, leaving a tip ...  all things that most had never done before being in the academy.  While we are careful to not teach them to long for these things, or strive for material things, we do believe that these experiences will better prepare them for life, and help them to possibly one day lift their village up out of poverty.

Second: learning the appropriate way to work hard and earn something.  We have a points system each day and we use the excursions to reward those who earn enough points at the end of the month.


first time to see the ocean!
first time to see the ocean!

Lastly: why not?  My family goes to the movies. I take my kids to the beach.  We go out to eat occasionally.  But these kids and their families could NEVER do any of those things.  Isn't there just something unfair about that?

Luke 14:13...  "The next time you have a nice dinner, don't just invite your friends and family and rich people, the kind of people that can return the favor...  invite the poor... people who never get to do it...  it will be a blessing...  they won't be able to return the favor, but oh how it will be returned by God in the end!"




Thank you to our friend Ruth Larson who has been comitted to help the boys go on as many excursions as possible.  And to the many of you who have sponsored specific excursions.  We feel extremely blessed to have friends alongside us who believe in what we're doing here - and believe in these boys!!