October 1, 2017 marked a very special highlight at BVSA. Brock had the privilege of marrying one of our rhino graduates, Allan Marroquin, in the gym at BVSA Guatemala.
Allan walked into the academy the first day that our doors opened in 2011. He was a little punk! And even though he was 13 at the time, he looked like an 8 year old. He was an angry little fella - not to mention rude and mean!
A couple weeks ago, we had some visitors here at BVSA. When one of them asked allan why he wanted to get married in the academy, he told them, "this is where i learned about Jesus. it's also where i learned to be a husband, so this is where i want to start being one."
Adding to the symbolism of the day... Allan's wife glendy grew up in our friends' (the Schmidts) ministry - Educate BV. So as we were teaching allan about Jesus over the years, Glendy was learning about Him as well, right down the street.
All of this is what made the day so special. It was a symbol of a new generation of men in our village. A new generation of dads and husbands and men who love Jesus. A new generation of marriages centered on Jesus, and willing to do things differently. To put it simply, this is why BVSA exists!